施羅特 (Schroth) 家族專注脊柱側彎治療近百年,提倡以支具 (Cheneau brace) 附以運動鍛練、特殊的旋轉呼吸、肌肉伸展等來矯正弧度,為脊柱側彎患者提供針對性治療,是手術治療外的另一個選擇。
施羅特 (Schroth) 家族專注脊柱側彎治療近百年,提倡以支具 (Cheneau brace) 附以運動鍛練、特殊的旋轉呼吸、肌肉伸展等來矯正弧度,為脊柱側彎患者提供針對性治療,是手術治療外的另一個選擇。
** 肩部動作很常見的問題
同上連結 https://youtu.be/kkNnc6ssbPI?t=58
First setting phase of scapula
When we perform abduction, the GH-joint contributes 90-120°. The combination of scapular and humeral movement result in a maximum range of elevation of 150-180°. Also by abduction Inman et al. reported an inconsistent amount and type of scapular motion in relation to GH-motion this time during the initial 30°. In this early phase, motion occurs primarily at the GH joint, although stressing the arm may increase the scapular contribution.
It describes timing of movement at glenohumeral and scapulothoracic joint during shoulder elevation.