2008年8月31日 星期日



高雄院區復健科主治醫師 洪禎雯

對於預防或治療骨質疏鬆症,除了常常被提及的飲食及藥物的處理外,適當的復健計劃也是重要的一環。一個適當的復健計劃必須是量身訂做,而非一份套餐用在任何人身上,其內容的設計主要取決於三方面: 1.骨質流失的程度。 2.身體嬴弱的程度。 3.容易跌倒的機率大小。 一般而言,骨質疏鬆是年紀大的人才會面臨的問題,但預防骨質疏鬆則要從年輕做起。適度的運動有益肌肉與骨骼健康,可增進肌張力與彈力,且可增強骨骼的耐受力、增加骨骼血流量,使骨骼外形變粗增大,也可使骨密度增高,這些效果特別是在年輕人身上可以很明顯地看到。



第一組:為骨質密度較參考值小於一個標準差者。給予的復健訓練計劃可以包括: 1.伸展運動:主要做胸肌的伸展運動,可以配合深呼吸的動作,另外對身體其他軟組織有較緊現象的部份,可以徒手牽拉的方式做伸展。 2.肌力訓練:骨骼質量與肌肉增厚度成正比,與肌力大小亦呈正相關,且有部位的特異性。跌倒時,較厚的肌肉也具較好的緩衝作用,使骨骼受力較小較不會發生骨折,故可針對某部位做加強訓練。一般常做背肌、腹肌、上肢、下肢的個別肌力訓練。原則上,均從較簡單、較低的運動強度做起,依據每個人的狀況逐漸增強,給予不同的程度阻抗,以達加強肌力的訓練目的。通常一開始需有專家的指導為宜。 3.平衡及移位訓練:沒有外來支撐的雙腳站立平衡訓練,可在眼睛張開及閉眼等不同情況下做訓練,還可做單腳站立訓練。移位訓練重點在跌倒的預防。 4.教導正確的搬、提重物技巧:例如要拿的東西要儘量靠近身體,使用下肢非背部的力,避免脊椎彎曲等等。工作或家裡環境的設計,儘量符合人體工學,減少不必要的用力。 5.姿勢矯正訓練,利用一些運動做自我姿勢的矯正。


第三組:當骨骼密度低於參考值2.5個標準差以上,或有兩個以上因骨質疏鬆導致的骨折,在復健計劃的執行時就更需小心謹慎。剛開始要由復健專業人員做示範,若要逐漸給予阻力時,其進展需緩慢且阻力不宜太大,例如在提物上就絕對禁止提起超過5公斤的東西。在移位訓練上除了行走訓練(可能需要助行器的幫助)外,還需評量其在床上、椅子上、或浴缸裡的移位情況,而其背架的選擇可能會需要有較多支撐力的背架(body jaket)。病人脊椎若有較多節的骨折,其疼痛情況會更嚴重,除了前面所提到物理治療項目外,甚至會需要做脊椎小平面關節或肋骨神經的阻斷注射。骨質疏鬆的防治是全方位的,包括飲食、藥物、良好的生活習慣及適當的復健訓練計劃。這是一輩子的事,要從年輕做起,隨時開始都不嫌遲,只是在不同的階段有不同的階段該做或可以做的事,特別是復健計劃的擬定上,更是需量身訂做,尤其是當已有骨質疏鬆產生時,若不當的運動及訓練可能未蒙其利先受其害,不可不小心謹慎。

2008年8月26日 星期二


菲爾普斯, originally uploaded by Frank Chen Rehab.


2008年8月25日 星期一

菲爾普斯 2

菲爾普斯 2, originally uploaded by Frank Chen Rehab.




2008年8月24日 星期日

長期痠痛治不好 恐是憂鬱症

醫定要注意/長期痠痛治不好 恐是憂鬱症-Yahoo!奇摩新聞





Chronic neck pain--- stretch & strength?

BMJ Evidence Updates
OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of a 12-month home-based combined strength training and stretching programme against stretching alone in the treatment of chronic neck pain. DESIGN: A randomized follow-up study. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred and one patients with chronic non-specific neck pain were randomized in two groups. INTERVENTION: The strength training and stretching group was supported by 10 group training sessions and the stretching group was instructed to perform stretching exercises only as instructed in one group session. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: Neck pain, disability, neck muscle strength and mobility of cervical spine were measured before and after the intervention. RESULTS: No significant differences in improvement in neck pain and disability were found between the two training groups. Mean (SD) pain decreased from 64 (17) mm by 37 (95% confidence interval (CI) 44 to 30) mm in the strength training and stretching group, and from 60 (17) mm by 32 (39 to 25) mm in the stretching group. The improvements in disability were significant in both groups (P<0.001), while the changes in neck strength and mobility were minor. Training adherence decreased over time from the targeted three sessions a week, ending up at 1.1 (0.7) times a week for strength training and stretching group and 1.4 (0.8) times a week for stretching group.
CONCLUSIONS: No statistically significant differences in neck pain and disability were observed between the two home-based training regimens. Combined strength training and stretching or stretching only were probably as effective in achieving a long-term improvement although the training adherence was rather low most of the time.

2008年8月2日 星期六

Motor cortex stimulation for chronic pain: systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature

BMJ Evidence Updates

OBJECTIVE: To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis to quantify the efficacy of invasive and noninvasive brain stimulation for the treatment of chronic pain. METHODS: MEDLINE and other databases were searched as data sources. Reference lists and conference abstracts were examined for further relevant articles. We included studies that evaluated the effects of invasive and noninvasive brain stimulation of motor cortex on chronic pain using the visual analogue scale. Eleven studies using noninvasive brain stimulation and 22 studies using invasive brain stimulation met our inclusion criteria. The results showed that weighted responder rate was 72.6% (95% CI, 67.7-77.4) for the invasive stimulation studies and 45.3% (95% CI, 39.2-51.4) for the noninvasive stimulation studies. This difference was significant. For the noninvasive stimulation studies, the random effects model revealed that the number of responders in the active group was significantly higher as compared with sham stimulation group (risk ratio of 2.64) (95% CI, 1.63-4.30).
CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis shows that two different techniques of brain stimulation of motor cortex--invasive and noninvasive--can exert a significant effect on pain in patients with chronic pain. We discuss potential reasons that invasive brain stimulation showed a larger effect in this meta-analysis. Our findings encourage continuation of research in this area and highlight the need for well-designed clinical trials to define the role of brain stimulation in pain management.

Exercise for fibromyalgia: a systematic review

BMJ Evidence Updates
Exercise for fibromyalgia: a systematic review

OBJECTIVE: Fibromyalgia (FM) is a syndrome expressed by chronic widespread pain often associated with reduced physical function. Exercise is a common recommendation in management of FM. We evaluated the effects of exercise training on global well-being, selected signs and symptoms, and physical function in individuals with FM. METHODS: We searched Medline, Embase, CINAHL, SportDiscus, PubMed, PEDro, and the Cochrane Central Register for Controlled Trials to July 2005 and included randomized trials evaluating cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle strength, and flexibility. Methodological quality was assessed using the van Tulder and Jadad instruments. Training protocols were evaluated using American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines. Clinical heterogeneity limited metaanalysis to 6 aerobic and 2 strength studies. RESULTS: There were 2276 subjects across the 34 studies; 1264 subjects were assigned to exercise interventions. Metaanalysis of 6 studies provided moderate-quality evidence that aerobic-only exercise training at ACSM-recommended intensity levels has positive effects on global well-being (SMD 0.49, 95% CI 0.23-0.75) and physical function (SMD 0.66, 95% CI 0.41-0.92) and possibly on pain (SMD 0.65, 95% CI -0.09 to 1.39) and tender points (SMD 0.23, 95% CI -0.18 to 0.65). Strength and flexibility remain underevaluated; however, strength training may have a positive effect on FM symptoms.
CONCLUSION: Aerobic-only training has beneficial effects on physical function and some FM symptoms. Strength-only training may improve FM symptoms, but requires further study. Large, high-quality studies of exercise-only interventions that provide detailed information on exercise prescription and adherence are needed.