2014年9月30日 星期二

hallucinations or delusions in parkinsonian patients 巴金森氏症


Conclusions: Early onset drug-related hallucinations are not typical of PD. Their presence should signal an investigation of two alternative diagnoses, either a comorbid psychotic illness (often unrevealed by the patient initially) or an evolving parkinsonism-plus syndrome.

These symptoms may be caused partly by Parkinson's and partly by some Parkinson's medication.

If you are experiencing hallucinations or delusions, see your GP, specialist or Parkinson's nurse. Don't stop taking Parkinson's medication without their guidance.

How can hallucinations and delusions affect people?

There are different types of hallucinations. These include:

  • seeing things (visual hallucinations)
  • hearing things (auditory hallucinations)
  • sensing things that aren't there (tactile hallucinations)
  • seeing illusions (seeing things differently than they are in real life)

Delusions can include:

  • paranoia (believing someone is planning to harm you)
  • jealousy (thinking people you love are betraying you)
  • extravagance (believing you have special powers)

Any underlying illness, such as a chest or bladder infection, should be treated first as this may resolve hallucinations or delusions.

路易氏體失智症 Dmentia with Lewy-Bodies @ JimmyJong的醫學小記 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌 - http://goo.gl/JprJM0
Parkinson's UK - Hallucinations and delusions in Parkinson's - http://goo.gl/HTWiK2
Early dopaminergic drug-induced hallucinations in parkinsonian patients - http://goo.gl/tXIlVy
Treatment and management of hallucinations - http://goo.gl/SfHCKZ