2008年3月31日 星期一


micro-lesions will already occur before the end of the elastic zone is reached. For that reason, it is probable that already before the plastic zone is reached, involuntary protection mechanisms in the form of defensive muscle contraction or evasive movements will be activated.
Dosage by means of the felt tissue resistance- in whatever area of the load-enlongation curve it may be located - seems to be a clinically useful tool.

reassessment shows whether the dosage was chosen correctly.

The optimum duration of a strech exercise is still not yet known.

拉筋後的肌張力 resting是增加或減少?
Wiemann and co-workers' (1998) investigations have shown that the resting tonus of a muscle is increased rather than decreased due to stretching.

Postural syndrome的治療?
If the shortening of a muscle represents the functional adaptation to some habitual posture adopted for years, a correction of the problem may require measures to improve positioning (better postural alignment) and to strengthening the antagonists of the shortened muscles rather than measures to stretch the agonists.

For a structural adaptation of muscle length, however, it is necessary that the muscle permanently maintains the new posture and operates within it.

defensive spam before pain 幫病人作manual therapy時,一定要注意的問題. treatment should primarily consider the cause of the problem. To keep load on affected structures as low as possbile, movement is performed only within resistance-free range