2014年11月27日 星期四

什麼都靠儀器 忘了用心看診








什麼都靠儀器 忘了用心看診 - 診間心情 - 醫藥中心 - udn健康醫藥 http://j.mp/1FupQjj

2014年11月25日 星期二

消費稅緩漲 日本年輕世代前途堪慮










消費稅緩漲 日本年輕世代前途堪慮 - 財經 - 自由時報電子報 - http://bit.ly/11Tefv8

2014年11月24日 星期一

北榮主任陳亮恭:台灣老人看病 美加的6倍多








2014年11月21日 星期五


世衛轄下機構國際癌症研究中心(InternationalAgency for Research on Cancer)表示,身體質量指數(BMI)如今成為一大風險因子,2012年48萬1000起癌症病例和體重過重有關,占約總數3.6%。研究發表在「刺胳針腫瘤學」(The LancetOncology)期刊。
國際癌症研究中心主任魏德(Christopher Wild)說:「隨著經濟發展,和體重過重與肥胖有關的全球罹癌人數預計會增加。」
肥胖茲事體大 年新增50萬人罹癌 - Yahoo奇摩新聞 http://j.mp/15vduuR

肥胖、暴飲暴食 增失智風險 - Yahoo奇摩新聞 http://j.mp/15vcPJK

肥胖的代價 每年2兆美元 - 國際傳真 - 醫藥中心 - udn健康醫藥 http://j.mp/1xIyxFT

肥胖是失智症危險因子 8成民眾不知 - Yahoo奇摩新聞 - http://bit.ly/11sM5aB

人胖大腦易老 失智風險高 - Yahoo奇摩新聞 http://j.mp/15vdbzW

小心!胖子大腦老得快 4成不自覺 - 肥胖副作用 -  udn健康醫藥 http://j.mp/15viJuj

2014年11月19日 星期三

財政惡化 政府只管發錢嗎?




財政惡化 政府只管發錢嗎(王品) | 蘋果日報 http://j.mp/1EZAo81

2014年11月11日 星期二

Shoulder dislocation (肩關節脫位)


MANAGEMENT — Although precise data is lacking, many patients with atraumatic multidirectional shoulder instability are treated effectively with a focused rehabilitation program designed to strengthen the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder and improve neuromuscular coordination of glenohumeral and scapulothoracic movement [28]. Those who do not respond well to physical therapy may require surgical repair. Surgical options for stabilizing the glenohumeral joint in patients with MDI include open and arthroscopic capsular plication, rotator interval closure, and labral augmentation [29-33].  

Initial treatment — Patients should initially be advised to rest and restrict overhead activities, such as reaching, pushing, pulling, and lifting. Daily applications of ice (15 minutes every four to six hours) and a short course (eg, two to three days) of antiinflammatory medication (eg, ibuprofen) help to relieve pain in patients with concomitant bursitis or rotator cuff tendinopathy.

Physical therapy — A rehabilitative exercise program that focuses on correcting scapulothoracic dyskinesia and strengthening the dynamic stabilizers of the glenohumeral joint is often effective [12,18]. The goal is to improve the dynamic control and positioning of the humeral head in the glenoid. Precise data is lacking, but observational studies and abundant clinical experience suggests that most compliant patients have good results with an appropriate rehabilitation program, as determined by diminished pain and improved stability over time [28]. When treating the overhead athlete, many clinicians incorporate stretching exercises into the rehabilitation program with the goal of maintaining a normal range of motion equal to the contralateral side, while correcting for the increased external rotation commonly seen in the dominant arm [34].

Strengthening the scapular stabilizers, including the trapezius, rhomboids, and serratus anterior, increases scapular stability, which is required for proper rotator cuff function [17,35]. Once proper scapulothoracic control is achieved the program begins to incorporate rotator cuff strengthening exercises. (See "Rehabilitation principles and practice in shoulder impingement syndromes", section on 'Step one: Improve scapular stability' and "Rehabilitation principles and practice in shoulder impingement syndromes", section on 'Step two: Strengthen the rotator cuff'.)

When appropriate strength is achieved in the scapulothoracic stabilizers and the rotator cuff, the patient begins a functional training program designed to simulate the stresses the patient’s shoulder will encounter during their usual athletic and work activities. An example of one exercise progression that might be used in such a program consists of push-ups against a wall, followed by standard push-ups, and ultimately pushups on a tilt board. The instability created by the tilt board helps the patient to improve proprioception and dynamic joint stability [36,37]. Once rehabilitation is completed, most patients need to continue performing exercises to maintain shoulder strength and function.

Persistent symptoms — Patients with concurrent symptoms attributable to subacromial impingement or rotator cuff tendinopathy may benefit from a short course of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory therapy or a subacromial glucocorticoid injection (figure 1). The resulting reduction in pain often allows patients to participate more actively in their rehabilitation program. (See "Rotator cuff tendinopathy", section on 'Glucocorticoids'.).

Indications for orthopedic referral — The natural history of multidirectional shoulder instability is to improve slowly as the tissues gradually stiffen with age. Nevertheless, referral to an orthopedic surgeon for consideration of surgical correction is warranted in patients with persistent pain or recurrent episodes of dislocation despite full participation in a well-designed physical therapy program for 6 to 12 months. Recurrent dislocation in particular must be managed appropriately to avoid the development of premature glenohumeral osteoarthritis. (See "Glenohumeral osteoarthritis".)

In addition, patients with unidirectional (eg, posterior) shoulder instability, particularly those who are not improving with physical therapy, should be referred to an orthopedic surgeon for evaluation. In many cases, the pathology responsible for unidirectional instability is amenable to surgical repair [38].

2014年11月10日 星期一

Subarominal bursa injection

The lateral or posterior approach can be used to inject the subacromial bursa; the lateral approach shown here is safer to perform, since injection into the rotator cuff tendons is nearly impossible with this technique. The patient is to be sitting up, with the hands placed in the lap. The patient is asked to relax the shoulder and neck muscles. Traction applied to the flexed elbow may be necessary to open the subacromial space. The lateral edge of the acromion is located and its midpoint marked. The point of entry is 1 to 1.5 inches (about 2.5 to 4 cm) below the marked midpoint. The angle of entry should parallel the patient's own acromial angle (averaging 50 to 65 degrees). The depth will vary according to the patient's weight and muscle development (1.5 inches [about 4 cm] in an asthenic patient and up to 3.5 inches [about 9 cm] in an obese patient over 30 percent ideal body weight). Ethyl chloride is sprayed on the skin. Local anesthetic is placed in the deltoid muscle (1 mL) and the deep deltoid fascia (0.5 mL). The needle is advanced through the subcutaneous tissue and the deltoid muscle until the subtle resistance of the deep deltoid fascia is encountered. If firm or hard tissue resistance is encountered (deltoid tendon or periosteum, often painful), then the needle is withdrawn 0.5 inch (about 1.5 cm) and the angle is redirected 5 to 10 degrees either up or down. A "giving way" or "popping" sensation is often appreciated when the subacromial bursa is entered. Following 1 to 2 mL of anesthesia and leaving the needle in position, the patient strength is tested again. If pain is reduced by 50 percent and the strength of abduction and external rotation are 75 to 80 percent of the unaffected side, then 1 mL of depo-medrol (80 mg/mL) is injected. Note, never inject under moderate to high pressure. If high injection pressure is encountered, first try rotating the syringe 180 degrees. If tension is still high and the patient obviously anxious, ask the patient to take a deep breath and try to relax the shoulder muscles. If tension remains high, reposition the needle by 0.25 inch (about 0.5 cm) increments or by altering the angle of entry by 5 to 10 degrees. The subacromial bursa will accept only 2 to 3 mL of total volume before rupturing.

Courtesy of Bruce C Anderson, MD.

Graphic 60759 Version 4.0

ischial bursitis (坐骨關節囊炎)

ETIOLOGY — Bursitis may result from any one or combination of the following causes:

●Direct injury or trauma.
●Prolonged pressure. This can occur after prolonged kneeling or leaning on an elbow.
●Overuse or strenuous activity.
●Crystal-induced arthropathy. This can be seen with longstanding or tophaceous gout.
●Inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or spondyloarthritis.
●Infection (septic bursitis). This can occur due to transcutaneous transit of bacteria from penetrating injury or microtrauma (most commonly) or hematogenous seeding (less commonly). Note that the presence of another cause of bursitis does not exclude the possibility of concurrent infection (eg, superinfection of a tophaceous olecranon bursa).

CLINICAL PRESENTATION AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION — Among patients with bursitis, obvious signs of swelling and inflammation may be evident upon physical exam only in superficial processes, such as olecranon, prepatellar, infrapatellar, or retrocalcaneal bursitis. Common but deeper processes, such as anserine, subacromial, or trochanteric bursitis, are seldom associated with visible swelling or erythema. There are also differences in presentation based on the acuity or chronicity of the underlying disease process.

The need for imaging — Imaging studies are typically not necessary, particularly in the case of superficial bursa where the signs of inflammation are demonstrated on the physical examination. The need for imaging in the evaluation of deep bursal syndromes is dependent on other factors, and a precise anatomical diagnosis is often not necessary, particularly in the initial evaluation. There is little evidence that a strong correlation exists between the clinical presentation of local tenderness and the anatomical evidence (seen on ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) of inflammation of the deeper bursae [4,5].
However, there are some instances in which imaging is appropriate. We use imaging in the following scenarios:
●Any situation in which the establishment of a more accurate diagnosis seems imperative. As an example, the classical presentation of iliopsoas bursitis is the presence of groin pain, accentuated by flexing the hip against resistance (see 'Iliopsoas bursitis' below). This finding would also be characteristic of labral tears, early avascular necrosis of the femoral head, or any inflammatory process involving the hip joint. All of these syndromes could be associated with a normal plain radiograph of the hip, and making a definitive early diagnosis is warranted. By contrast, the need to establish a definite diagnosis of subacromial bursitis in the shoulder is generally not critical at the time of presentation.
●Conditions in which the entrance of a needle into the area occupied by the bursa is associated with a significant risk of injury to an adjacent neurovascular structure. This is a factor in attempting an aspiration of the iliopsoas bursa related to its proximity to the femoral artery and nerve.

PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT — With the exception of septic bursitis, the underlying management principle is that isolated bursitis is a self-limited condition that is reversible. In addition, unlike cartilage, the bursa has the ability to heal. In short, bursitis will get better. Therefore, the goal of treatment is to relieve the immediate symptoms, to prevent the secondary complications related to immobilization (muscle atrophy and joint contracture), and to maintain range of motion. Bursitis that is associated with adjacent pathology may improve partially with treatment, but optimal treatment may require techniques specifically directed at the adjacent pathology as well.
Patients should be taught the principles of joint protection and, unless contraindicated, affected individuals should also receive analgesia, which usually consists of a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID). In addition, our initial approach to the management of presumed inflammation of the deeper bursae is typically an intralesional injection of a combination of local anesthetic and glucocorticoid. However, we do not recommend the use of intralesional glucocorticoids in the treatment of the superficial forms of bursitis (olecranon, prepatellar, and Achilles) due to the risk of infectious complications in the setting of skin atrophy. Application of an ice pack (for no more than 20 minutes at a time) can offer therapeutic relief of a superficially inflamed bursa. For deep forms of bursitis like trochanteric bursitis, a heating pad is often more helpful than ice. Caution must be taken so that a patient does not use the heating pad for more than 20 minutes at a time or fall asleep on the heating pad, as to avoid thermal burn
Among patients with presumed inflammation of deep bursae, we suggest that initial therapy include an intralesional injection of a combination of local anesthetic and glucocorticoid . If the original injection provides several weeks of significant relief, the diagnosis of a soft tissue process seems secure, a repeat injection may be tried if symptoms warrant.

2014年11月5日 星期三

Cervical radiculopathy Natural History

Most patients with cervical radiculopathy have a favorable prognosis.1,6 A large epidemiologic study demonstrated that over a five-year follow-up period, 31.7 percent of patients with symptomatic cervical radiculopathy had symptom recurrence and 26 percent needed surgical intervention for intractable pain, sensory deficit, or objective weakness.1 At final follow-up, however, nearly 90 percent of patients were asymptomatic or only mildly incapacitated by the pain.

The classic study of the natural history of cervical radiculopathy followed 51 patients over two to 19 years.6 In the study, 43 percent of patients had no further symptoms after a few months, 29 percent had mild or intermittent symptoms, and 27 percent had more disabling pain. No patient with radicular pain progressed to myelopathy.

Cervical Radiculopathy: Nonoperative Management of Neck Pain and Radicular Symptoms - American Family Physician http://j.mp/1y2mL5o


Medications may be effective for patients with chronic radicular pain who decline surgery or have continued pain after surgery. A systematic review suggests that tricyclic antidepressants and venlafaxine (Effexor) may produce at least moderate relief in patients with chronic neuropathic pain.15Similarly, another systematic review suggests that tramadol (Ultram) may provide significant relief of neuropathic pain.

2014年11月3日 星期一




SI Joint Exercise

SI Joint Exercise - YouTube http://j.mp/1tSXr2K

One Leg Standing Test (Gillet Test, Kinetic Test)

One Leg Standing Test (Gillet Test, Kinetic Test) - Physiopedia, universal access to physiotherapy knowledge. http://j.mp/1tSVVNV

The Gillet Test is also known as the Sacral Fixation Test, Ipsilateral Posterior Rotation Test, Marching Test and the Ipsilateral Flexion Kinetic Test. Many different variations of the Gillet Test have been described in the literature.

To perform this test, the patient stands while the examiner palpates the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) with one thumb and palpates the sacrum with the other thumb at a level parallel to the first thumb. The patient is then instructed to stand on one leg while pulling the hip of the side being palpated into 90° or more of hip flexion. The test is then repeated on the other side and compared bilaterally[1][2]. The examiner should compare each side for quality and amplitude of movement[3].

In a normally functioning pelvis, the pelvis of the side being palpated should rotate posteriorly, causing the PSIS to drop or move inferiorly[4]. A positive test is noted when the PSIS on the ipsilateral side of the knee flexion does not move or moves minimally in the inferior direction. [1]. A positive test is indicative of sacroiliac joint hypomobility

有趣的一個測試,看看自己提腳時,是否PSIS 往下掉


ACL, MCL, medial meniscus, lateral meniscus and other parts of the tibiofemoral joint