Lateral Raise To Build Your Shoulders | Benefits, Variations & Anatomy
2020年3月25日 星期三
坐姿 (sit sitting posture)
Although there is controversy about exactly what pelvic neutral posture is, it can be fairly confidentially stated that pelvic neutral is somewhere around a sacral base angle of 30 degrees.
What is lower crossed syndrome and what are its causes?
What is lower crossed syndrome and what are its causes?
2020年3月24日 星期二
Core Connection: The Relationship Between the Pelvic Floor & the Breath
the breath does literally affect the muscles of the abdomen and the pelvic floor. A deep breath that goes into the abdomen benefits the pelvic floor in many ways.
breath is such an important part of pelvic floor work. When we breathe in, the pelvic floor is receiving the breath and the downward-moving organs. As we exhale, the breath goes up and out. The organs also move up. A healthy pelvic floor stretches as we breathe in and contracts slightly as the breath goes up and out.
If we have “poor” posture or spend a lot of time sitting in chairs, our transverse abdominus muscles will be weak. This, in turn, can be linked to pelvic floor problems. For example, if we collapse our chest while sitting, we end up with a “C-curve” in the spine. This makes it challenging to take a deep breath, and as a consequence, the muscles of the pelvic floor don’t receive the gentle ‘exercise’ they need, stretching and contracting with every breath in and out.
In short, if our posture is not good and we’re not taking in deep breaths to the abdomen, our pelvic floor is most definitely suffering. Everything is connected, and deep belly breathing is the most efficient way to take care of the pelvic floor.
why breath is such an important part of pelvic floor work. When we breathe in, the pelvic floor is receiving the breath and the downward-moving organs. As we exhale, the breath goes up and out. The organs also move up. A healthy pelvic floor stretches as we breathe in and contracts slightly as the breath goes up and out.
It’s not easy to change breathing habits and patterns, and the key is to never force. But to get you started on deepening the breath, here’s a little exercise you can try.
Core Connection: The Relationship Between the Pelvic Floor & the Breath | YogaUOnline
breath is such an important part of pelvic floor work. When we breathe in, the pelvic floor is receiving the breath and the downward-moving organs. As we exhale, the breath goes up and out. The organs also move up. A healthy pelvic floor stretches as we breathe in and contracts slightly as the breath goes up and out.
If we have “poor” posture or spend a lot of time sitting in chairs, our transverse abdominus muscles will be weak. This, in turn, can be linked to pelvic floor problems. For example, if we collapse our chest while sitting, we end up with a “C-curve” in the spine. This makes it challenging to take a deep breath, and as a consequence, the muscles of the pelvic floor don’t receive the gentle ‘exercise’ they need, stretching and contracting with every breath in and out.
In short, if our posture is not good and we’re not taking in deep breaths to the abdomen, our pelvic floor is most definitely suffering. Everything is connected, and deep belly breathing is the most efficient way to take care of the pelvic floor.
why breath is such an important part of pelvic floor work. When we breathe in, the pelvic floor is receiving the breath and the downward-moving organs. As we exhale, the breath goes up and out. The organs also move up. A healthy pelvic floor stretches as we breathe in and contracts slightly as the breath goes up and out.
It’s not easy to change breathing habits and patterns, and the key is to never force. But to get you started on deepening the breath, here’s a little exercise you can try.
Core Connection: The Relationship Between the Pelvic Floor & the Breath | YogaUOnline
2020年3月23日 星期一
沉肩 (肩胛壓不壓 To derpress)
This shoulder depression/tighten cue can be dissect into different single plane movement:
1. 肩胛下壓(Scapula Depression)
2. 肩胛內收(Scapula Adduction)
3. 常被遺忘的肩胛外轉(Scapula External rotation)
同時能夠執行這三個動作 也是我們最主要該重視的肌肉是下斜方肌以及闊背肌
PhysioMotion: [進階肌動學] 肩胛壓不壓 To derpress, or not to depress
Lateral Raise To Build Your Shoulders | Benefits, Variations & Anatomy
2020年3月18日 星期三
懷疑爸媽失智?請先檢查藥物 (預防失智,從用藥清爽開始)
懷疑爸媽失智?請先檢查藥物 - 康健雜誌
懷疑爸媽失智?請先檢查藥物 - 康健雜誌
陪中風家人復健 態度很重要
● 急性期穩定後,黃金恢復期6個月到一年,一定要用心陪伴,努力復健。
● 千萬不要一味要求病人趕快會走,基本功(軀幹穩定,平衡控制)最重要。萬一步態錯誤定了型,以後很難改,而且常常會引起後續關節疼痛的問題。
● 日常生活(進食、刷牙洗臉、移位)鼓勵病人只要能力所及,盡量自己來。適當輔具的協助可以降低難度,讓病人重新找回獨立自主的能力,進而有成就感。建立自信很重要。
● 在復健治療中,多結識其他病友與家屬,彼此分享經歷,互相支持鼓勵,看到別人走過的歷程,不致徬徨沮喪。
● 神經恢復穩定時,並不代表病人的功能進步也就此打住。復健科醫師會協助病人在不同階段,透過評估,設定合理目標。記得多和醫師聯繫溝通。
● 不要比較,不要碎碎念。一個鼓勵的眼神,一個擁抱,一個微笑往往更有效。
● 別忘了,你自己也是需要被支持的。
陪中風家人復健 態度很重要 | 骨科.復健 | 科別 | 元氣網
● 急性期穩定後,黃金恢復期6個月到一年,一定要用心陪伴,努力復健。
● 千萬不要一味要求病人趕快會走,基本功(軀幹穩定,平衡控制)最重要。萬一步態錯誤定了型,以後很難改,而且常常會引起後續關節疼痛的問題。
● 日常生活(進食、刷牙洗臉、移位)鼓勵病人只要能力所及,盡量自己來。適當輔具的協助可以降低難度,讓病人重新找回獨立自主的能力,進而有成就感。建立自信很重要。
● 在復健治療中,多結識其他病友與家屬,彼此分享經歷,互相支持鼓勵,看到別人走過的歷程,不致徬徨沮喪。
● 神經恢復穩定時,並不代表病人的功能進步也就此打住。復健科醫師會協助病人在不同階段,透過評估,設定合理目標。記得多和醫師聯繫溝通。
● 不要比較,不要碎碎念。一個鼓勵的眼神,一個擁抱,一個微笑往往更有效。
● 別忘了,你自己也是需要被支持的。
陪中風家人復健 態度很重要 | 骨科.復健 | 科別 | 元氣網
2020年3月16日 星期一
成都印象-中國崛起與台灣困境 (戴大為醫師)
關節退化與骨質疏鬆: 戴大為醫師: 成都印象-中國崛起與台灣困境
關節退化與骨質疏鬆: 戴大為醫師: 成都印象-中國崛起與台灣困境
2020年3月11日 星期三
Hypothyroidism: Does it cause joint pain? (甲狀腺問題與酸痛)
Can hypothyroidism cause joint pain? I have hypothyroidism and have been experiencing severe arthritis-like pain in my shoulders and hips.
For some people, hypothyroidism can contribute to joint and muscle problems.
Specifically, hypothyroidism may lead to:
Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness, especially in the shoulders and hips
Joint pain and stiffness
Swelling of the small joints in the hands and feet
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Reducing pain
Although common over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help, adequate thyroid hormone replacement is the primary treatment and often helps dramatically.
When to see your doctor
Keep in mind that people with the most common form of hypothyroidism have an increased risk of developing other autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. If pain, stiffness and swelling don't improve after adequate thyroid treatment, consult your doctor. He or she may consider other possible causes of your joint pain.
Hypothyroidism: Does it cause joint pain? - Mayo Clinic
For some people, hypothyroidism can contribute to joint and muscle problems.
Specifically, hypothyroidism may lead to:
Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness, especially in the shoulders and hips
Joint pain and stiffness
Swelling of the small joints in the hands and feet
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Reducing pain
Although common over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help, adequate thyroid hormone replacement is the primary treatment and often helps dramatically.
When to see your doctor
Keep in mind that people with the most common form of hypothyroidism have an increased risk of developing other autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. If pain, stiffness and swelling don't improve after adequate thyroid treatment, consult your doctor. He or she may consider other possible causes of your joint pain.
Hypothyroidism: Does it cause joint pain? - Mayo Clinic
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