2020年10月6日 星期二

肌肉拉傷 (muscle tear)

Muscle Strain Overview
Muscle strain, muscle pull, or even a muscle tear refers to damage to a muscle or its attaching tendons. You can put undue pressure on muscles during the course of normal daily activities, with sudden heavy lifting, during sports, or while performing work tasks.

Muscle damage can be in the form of tearing (part or all) of the muscle fibers and the tendons attached to the muscle. The tearing of the muscle can also damage small blood vessels, causing local bleeding, or bruising, and pain caused by irritation of the nerve endings in the area.

The Basics of Muscle Strains


肌肉痠痛 = 酸酸、緊緊、阿嘶啊嘶的~。通常隔天才開始,一個星期內酸痛會消失。
肌肉拉傷 = 刺刺、熱熱的,伴隨一些無力感。受傷後馬上有感,或是數小時後,持續超過一週。


拉傷之後的 3 到 4 周內不要對那條肌肉做強度太大的訓練。(一般軟組織受傷 6 到 8 周會好,軟組織包含肌肉、肌腱、韌帶等等。當然更嚴重的受傷另當別論。)


不建議輕微受傷就完全休息不動,這樣肌肉會萎縮且也不會比較快好,你還是要去動動他。很多研究證實如果對拉傷的肌肉做些輕度的重量訓練,拉傷會更快好,也就是 Optimal Loading 的概念。

怎麼分辨運動後痠痛與肌肉拉傷? (by 姚斯元物理治療師 )