2012年12月5日 星期三

Mechanic or inflammatory

疼痛的治療,首先基本的,必先分清是mechanic (機械性)或是inflammatory (發炎性),治療上的方針大不相同,一個以動作姿態矯正為主,一個以藥物為主,物理治療為輔。有些病時間拖久了,便可能兩者兼具,但在治療上仍要作輕重的區分。
如果身上的小關節(非負重關節),沒有grinding noise,且碰觸的疼痛感強,就高度懷疑。若是對steroid的治療反應良好,就更確定了。

SymptomInflammatory joint disease (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis)Mechanical joint disease (e.g. osteoarthritis)
Does activity increase or decrease the pain?The longer you're inactive, the worse is the pain. Rest worsens the symptoms, activity improves the symptoms. Be active!Activity tends to increase the pain and stiffness, and rest improves the symptoms.
Morning stiffness?You wake up with stiff joints, but it improves after an hour or more. The more you use your joints, the sooner the stiffness subsides.You wake up with stiff joints, but the stiffness lasts 15-30 minutes, then it becomes easier to move.
What do the joints look and feel like?Joint swelling is usually soft, because it is caused by inflammation and fluid.Joint swelling can be soft (fluid) or hard (bony).

The swollen joint is usually warm to the touch and may even be red.The swollen joint is usually not warm when you touch it.

You have limited movement.You have limited movement.

The swollen joints are always tender to touch.The swollen joints are sometimes tender to touch.

The joints often make a "grinding" noise during movement.
Which joints are aching or stiff?All joints - particularly the small joints of the hands and feet.Your weight bearing joints - the big ones: back, knees, hips.

Any joint which has been previously injured, infected or even longstanding inflammatory joint disease.

The small joints of the hands (tends to run in families).
FatigueYou feel very tired and fatigued.Your fatigue is minimal.
Systemic involvementOther body organs may be involved e.g. eyes, lungs, blood vessels.Other body organs are not involved.
Do the symptoms respond to cortisone?Yes, often dramatic response.Usually no dramatic response.